Investor FAQs

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Where is Paylocity's corporate headquarters?

Paylocity is headquartered in Schaumburg, Illinois. The principal executive offices are located at:

31400 American Lane
Schaumburg, IL 60173

Phone: (800) 520-2687

Where is the company incorporated?
Paylocity is incorporated in Delaware.
When did Paylocity go public?
Paylocity went public on March 19, 2014.
What is Paylocity's fiscal year end?
Paylocity’s fiscal year ends on June 30. 
How is Paylocity's stock traded?
Paylocity’s stock is traded on NASDAQ under the ticker symbol PCTY.
Does Paylocity pay dividends?
Paylocity does not pay dividends on their common stock.
Who is Paylocity's transfer agent?

Transfer Agent and Registrar: Wells Fargo Shareowner Services

Shareowner Services
PO Box 64874
St. Paul, Minnesota 55164
(800) 401-1957

Whom do I contact with questions about my stock?
You must contact your registered broker with questions about your stock.
Who is Paylocity's auditor?
Paylocity’s auditor is KPMG LLP, Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm.
Who is Paylocity's legal counsel?
Paylocity’s legal counsel is DLA Piper LLP.
How many employees does Paylocity have?
As of June 30, 2019, Paylocity had approximately 3,050 full-time employees.
Where can I get the latest corporate news releases and financial reports?
Please refer to the Financial Information and the SEC filings section within the investor relations website for online versions of financial documents such as Form 10-Q or Form 10-K, annual reports and other financial documents.
Who makes up the Paylocity's Executive Management team and Board of Directors?
Please refer to the Corporate Governance section within the investor relations website for information on Board of Directors and Management Team.
How can I receive email updates for this information?
You can sign up for email alerts notifying you of new press releases, SEC filings or corporate actions and events via the Email Alerts section within this investor relations website.
To whom should investors direct inquiries?
You can reach Paylocity Investor Relations by email at Investor related questions can be also be submitted to Paylocity via the Contact Us section within this investor relations website.
How can obtain a copy of your annual report and proxy?
All of our filings can be found on the SEC website at, as well as on the SEC filings section of our website.